On Tuesday, January 12 at 6:30 PM, local historian and Revolutionary War re-enactor Mike Jesberger will present his new 1-hour lecture on the thrilling Christmas feat of “Victory or Death: Washington’s Crossing and the Battle of Trenton”.
Christmas is a season of joy and celebration. It is also a time to remember one of the American Revolution’s most memorable events. Washington’s crossing of the Delaware River and the Battle of Trenton were a major turning point in the war. The Continental Army captured most of the Hessian force that was garrisoned in Trenton, with only minimal American losses – a dramatic victory that boosted the battered army’s morale. This lecture will provide firsthand accounts of the river crossing, the details of the nine-mile march to Trenton, the battle and the impact left behind for us to remember today in Pennsylvania and New Jersey.
Register here today!