The library staff and the library board are pleased to announce that the new free-standing public library is nearly completed! Below are some important updates about the transition.
New Library Building to Be Completed in October. The new library building at 30 Park Place West is in its final days of construction! The landscaping has been planted, the construction fences will be down soon, and finishing touches are taking place inside. Final inspections and a temporary certificate of occupancy will allow the moving to begin.
Grand Opening November 19. The Grand Opening celebration will be held on Saturday, November 19 beginning with a short ribbon cutting ceremony at 10:00 a.m. Events and tours will continue all day, including events in the adult, teen, and maker spaces. Click here for the full schedule.
Pocket Library Closure October 17 through November 7. October will be a busy month for staff as they prepare and move into the new space. To prepare for the move, the Cranbury Public Library pocket library at 30 North Main Street will be CLOSED from October 17 to November 7 while the library moves from the pocket library and South Main storage space and into the new building!
Services and programming during the closure. Check out books, PlayAways, and movies now so you will be prepared. Don’t worry. There are no late fees and you can keep the items you check out now until the new library opens in November! While they are closed you can also visit other Middlesex libraries to check out materials. Use the catalog or the LMxPressPlus app to reserve items and pick them up at either Plainsboro or Monroe Public Library. Of course, all digital and movies will remain available through eLibraryNJ, Libby and Hoopla. If you need assistance accessing these items, stop in the library before October 17 for help getting set up. Most regular programs will continue going via Zoom (see the Events Calendar).
Thank you to the Donors! The library staff and library board are extremely thankful to all the residents and businesses who donated more than $2 million to the Cranbury Public Library Foundation since its founding in 2009. These generous donations were matched by the New Jersey Library Construction Bond Act, which Cranbury was awarded in 2020. When you’re in the new building, please take note of the donor wall display in the lobby, and the “Walk of Knowledge” bricks that line both sides the front walkway.
Tax Impact of the new library. Because the new building costs were funded by local residents and businesses and matched by the State of New Jersey, the new building at the end of Park Place West will not impact your current or future taxes. And, it will provide additional services and spaces not available in any of the previous locations. The operating costs for the new building are less than what the public library was paying in rent to the Cranbury School when there was a shared school/public library configuration.
Library updates. If items in this update are “news to you”, please sign up for library newsletters here! Monthly e-news “@ your Library” with programming, services, and information about library goings-on, plus 17 additional specialty newsletters are available based on your interest.
The library staff and board invites all Cranbury residents to the Grand Opening on November 19. They ask for your patience during the transition, and they welcome you to “imagine the possibilities” in the new space at 30 Park Place West!